The UKBHC Register The UKBHC Register Edit Search Criteria First Name Last Name Registration Status Registered (full) Registered (student) Associate UKBHC Membership Senior Associate Honorary Affiliate Awaiting approval Registered with Conditions No application received Suspended Removed Application On Hold Search Displaying contacts where: Current Post = 'Health and Social Care Chaplain' ...AND... Group(s) In 96 ...AND... Group Status 'Added' NameRegistrant IDRegistration StatusCurrent PostSpecialist area/s of practiceCampbell, Ian10805Registered (full)Health and Social Care Chaplain.Acute HealthViewHough, Elaine10922Registered (full)Health and Social Care ChaplainAcute HealthViewKaye, Karen9117RemovedHealth and Social Care ChaplainViewLynch, Tosh8172Registered (full)Health and Social Care ChaplainMental HealthViewMitchell, Sheila1046RemovedProgramme Director for Health and Social Care Chaplaincy and Spiritual CareMental HealthViewOtanes, Cate11785RemovedHealth and Social Care ChaplainViewTelfer, Iain354RemovedHealth and Social Care ChaplainAcute HealthView